Jewish on Christmas [OPINION]


For me, Christmas isn’t waking my parents up at the crack of dawn to open presents. 

It isn’t  just watching ‘A Christmas Story’ or ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’. I’ve never even decorated a tree, nor stuffed a stocking.

As an ethnic and practicing Jew, Christmas has developed a unique meaning for me. 

Some people have developed a misconception that Jewish people don’t like Christmas (many people have wrongfully assumed that Ebenezer Scrooge is Jewish). 

And sure, there are always people that simply disregard Christmas; I have family members who treat December 25th as if it were any other day. 

Every year on Christmas Eve, my family goes out for Chinese food since they’re one of the only places open that day. Sometimes, we catch a movie in a deserted theater. 

However, my dad and I never fail to get up early and go skiing on Christmas day; the slopes are freshly grazed and nearly empty until noon. 

Believe it or not, I’ve even been able to feel some Jewish pride over the holiday, specifically in regards to Christmas music.

I am undeniably biased in this opinion, but Jewish people have written the best Christmas music (i.e. Let it Snow, Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire, It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, White Christmas, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland, etc). 

For me, Christmas is feeling the cool Colorado air whip my face as I barrel down a ski slope. It’s devouring a plate of Peking Duck with wonton soup. But most importantly, Christmas still holds the shared value of spreading joy between my fellow man. 

So, however you celebrate, or however you don’t, I wish you a very happy Holiday season.