2021-2022 Senior Wolves Advice and Reflection
Seniors prepare to graduate from high school and venture through the rest of life’s vast opportunities. Over the course of their school careers, they have learned about work and balancing life. It’s time to pass on their wisdom to other wolves, so they have a better experience in the den.
“I have always been busy through high school with my commitments and clubs, but I balance my academic work by surrounding myself with smart and driven people that push me to succeed,” senior Charlie Lucero said.
Lucero steps out of his comfort zone to experiment with new things, helping to expand his interests and break up the time he spends on homework. This year he was on the varsity soccer team and student body vice president.
“My advice is to get involved. Try your hardest to make an impact in your school and your community and that is truly where you will find happiness,” Lucero said, “Just be patient and have faith that it will all work out in the end.”
Lucero plans on playing division one soccer in college and going on to be a possible professional soccer player or an ESPN reporter.
Senior Luke Williams recommends getting involved in a club or a sport. He was on this year’s varsity soccer team and a member of BRAVO entertainers.
“My closest friends have come from these activities, and they make high school more fun,” Williams said.
Williams is unsure of what his future could possibly hold, but hopes for the best knowing that like Lucero, everything will work out in the end.
“It was very important for me that I enjoy what I was doing,” senior Anna Kriss said.
Kriss was able to find more balance and enjoyment doing the things that she was truly passionate about, such as leadership and lacrosse. She feels that it is important to meet lots of people through high school.
Going to Baylor on a full-tuition scholarship, Kriss plans on majoring in business and administration and minoring in Spanish in hopes of becoming the CEO of a company one day.
“I handled my academic work from high school by having an agenda and marking off the homework I completed,” said senior Charles O’Donnell.
O’Donnell, a member of leadership, found organization to be a key throughout high school. He frequently studies his notes on his iPad and prioritizes his work.
O’Donnell plans on going to Colorado School of Mines to study Mechanical Engineering and to get his MBA in engineering management.
“It’s equally, if not more vital, to make connections and learn to love people in high school; I just wish I’d have realized it sooner,” senior Maya Epstein said, “Go out and be a real person.”
Epstein entered high school anxious and grade obsessed. She realized she finds more happiness in activities like theater and choir. She recognizes high school as a stepping stone and recommends exploring to find the things that bring you joy.
She will be going to Chapman University to get a degree in film production.
All five seniors are anxious for the future, but hope for the best. They are sad to be leaving those they’ve known since kindergarten, but are ready to dive into the next chapter of their lives. They’re ready to move on from the den.
“I can say for sure I’ll be in LA or New York somewhere, with a plant and a sweater. I’ll be maturing my caffeine addiction,” said Epstein. “I’ll be telling stories.”

What is the worst movie/tv show you have ever seen? What made it the worst?
Veggie Tales is the worst show ever. The animation is freaky!