Album Review: Dawn FM by The Weeknd
At the last Billboard Music Awards on May 23, 2021, The Weeknd teased the audience about the album “Dawn FM” stating, “The Dawn Is Coming.”
4 months later on August 6th, 2022 he came out with his song “Take My Breath.” This song further confirmed the internet’s theories that something big was coming.
The only question that no one was able to answer was how big was “The Dawn Is Coming?”
On January 7th, 2022, The Weeknd broke the internet with the release of his new Album Dawn FM.
In less than one week, he was able to break the charts in more than 10 countries and claim his spot as number two in the Billboard 200.
In Dawn FM the album starts with the song “Dawn FM.” The opening lyrics are, “ This part I do alone, I’ll take my lead, I’ll take my lead on this road.”
This opening lyric made a statement. He is saying that he’s going to take control of his wants and he’s going to prove to everyone, including the haters, that he is in control of his career.
This whole song told a true story about Abel Makkonen. The Weeknd was just a small singer who wasn’t in the light, because of his hard work and skill he was able to shine bright and show his real potential to billions of people.
The second song called “Gasoline” in the album is talking about heartbreak. The Weeknd is shining an ominous light on his girlfriend explaining how special she is to him. He doesn’t want her to let go of him; it makes his heart shatter at the thought.
One of the most meaningful lyrics in the whole song is “I know you won’t let me OD (Overdose) And if I finally die in Peace, just wrap my body in these sheets and pour out the gasoline.”
The most meaningful lyric in the whole song was emotional, heartfelt, and made me feel for what he was saying. It made me think of the future possibilities of true love, and how that feeling can make someone so overwhelmed with true emotion.
Furthermore, because of the many versatile ways The Weeknd described love, I rate this song an 8.8/10.
“How Do I Make You Love Me” is the next song on the album. I am obsessed with this song because of the wide versatility of disco beats incorporated. This song reminds me of the ’70s and the big poofy hair, the roller skates, flare jeans, and the wide range of sparkly dresses.
If you are looking for a song to make you feel as if you were a part of the 1970s, I highly recommend “How Do I Make You Love Me”. Within the song lyrics, the Weeknd is asking a love interest “How do I make you love me? How do I make you Fall for me?”.
He’s completely obsessed with her and loves the way she makes him feel. The pureness of his intentions in this song leads me to give this song an 8/10.
The next song on the playlist is “Take My Breath” This song is also one of the most listened to on his whole album.
“Take My Breath” and the song “Sacrifice” remind me of a Micahel Jackson throwback song. The Weeknd expressed in this song that he doesn’t want to sacrifice so much for love. Therefore, because of the powerfulness that the lyrics and beat hold I rate this song a 10/10.
Within the album, the songs “A Tale By Quincy” and “Is There Someone Else” are definitely the songs you should be listening to. These two songs in my opinion have the most similarities to R&B sounding songs.
The songs “Don’t Break My Heart” and “I Heard You’re Married” are both good songs. The beat of the song is really nice, but the vibes of the songs are super close to each other. They both talk about more heartbreak and the possibility of being betrayed by someone you love.
I would recommend this song if you are into sadder songs, going through a heartbreak, or have just been cheated on.
If you are looking for a song that is toxic and explains what could possibly happen if you fall for your best friend, the song “Best Friends” on Dawn FM is perfect for you. It’s the perfect mix of I don’t ever wanna date my best friend, but the thought of dating them is making me obsessed.
On the album, there is a song called “Every Angel is Terrifying”. The beat kind of reminds me of the songs used in the Netflix series “Stranger Things.” This song is more of something you could hear on a tv ad or radio ad.
The song “Out Of Time” is a more slowed-down song that is completely different from the other songs on the album. It has a jazz feel and disco-sounding style combined with it.
In this song, The Weeknd is expressing to his lover that he is in love with her but he’s run out of time to be with her. I rate this song a 10/10 because of the versatile feel of the beat and the lyrics.
The next song on the list is “Here We Go… Again”. I feel that this song is building The Weeknd’s ego. He sounds so much more confident with himself and who he’s dating. He doesn’t sound heartbroken. If you are looking for a song to hype up the person you are dating or building your confidence this is the song for you.
The song “Less Than Zero” and “Starry Eyes” in my opinion are the worst songs on the album.
I feel it really slows down the vibe of the album. They don’t really match with the vibe of the album. I love the names of the songs because they are unique and self-explanatory.
If you are interested in a song that is in lower tempo and slowed down these are two songs I would recommend.
At the ending of The Weeknd’s album Dawn FM, he closes it with the song “Phantom Regret By Jim”. This song is like the beginning of the album; it sounds more like an AD you would see on tv.
Using this song to close off the album was a great decision By The Weeknd. Dawn FM started the storyline and set the mood for the whole album, while “Phantom Regret by Jim” ended it.
Overall, I would recommend this album to anyone who’s listened to other songs from The Weeknd, and anyone who’s looking for heartbreak, toxic, and romantic album all in one.
The Weeknd once again proves to the haters, and to all the people who doubted the talent he was blessed with that he could care less about the opinions of others and that no matter what he will keep producing the music he wants.

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