Q&A With Building Manager Bruce Adams

How would you describe your job as building manager?
” There’s all kinds of facets. I mean I manage the building from construction projects, to deliveries, to coordinating activities. I work a lot with Mr. Smock, Ms. Beaird, Dr. Roberts, all the admin. Maintenance issues, pretty much anything that encompasses the building, I’m responsible to get it taken care of.”
Who actually cleans the bathrooms here? Is it only the janitors?
“Our cleaning service is a contracted company, they don’t work for the Cherry Creek School District. It’s a company called CCS, and it’s a new company this year, and as you can see they’re not doing the best job here.”
How often do they clean the bathrooms?
“It’s supposed to be done multiple times a day. They have their own supplies that they bring. The only thing the school supplies is paper products, like paper towels, toilet paper. They supply all the cleaning products.”
How frequently are things like soap, paper towels, etc. filled?
“They’re supposed to be refilled every night, and if that doesn’t happen we can refill them, and we like to know because we don’t want bathrooms without soap when you go in and wash your hands. Really, a lot of people think we’ve been punishing these kids because the bathrooms were all closed. The reason is, we don’t have any products, so people can’t wash their hands or really do anything, because we have no soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers… but they are starting to open up. I know Dr. Roberts got some more dispensers today, and we’re gonna get the 200’s going today. She might open those tomorrow.”
“I think what the school did and the way they addressed the bathrooms, it was a pretty tough couple of days for the students.
Regarding vandalism in the bathrooms, how does the school approach that issue?
“Security does a sweep on bathrooms throughout the day. We check them in the morning. Typically if there’s vandalism, you know, if it’s a smiley face we leave it open until we can get in and get some graffiti wipes on it. If it’s inappropriate we’ll close the bathroom until it’s taken care of, because that’s just not good to have out there for anybody.”
How does the school ensure that the bathrooms are clean?
“We walk them, and with this new cleaning service that we have, I’m in constant communication with the Vice President, and if it’s not up to snuff I’m in constant contact with them. Get your people out here, do what you’ve got to do, you come out and do it, I don’t care get it done.”
Is there a specific standard they’re supposed to meet?
“There is. They’re getting there. They’re contracted to go in and clean every classroom every day. They try to get around once a week to each area and do what they call a deep clean where you know, they’re dusting all the windowsills, taking the garbage out, vacuuming, sweeping, obvious skills. Bathrooms every day. Nurse Clinic every day. ILC every day, the weight training room…places like that, they need to be every day. If that’s not done then they’re not doing their job.”
What do you consider the most difficult aspect of bathroom maintenance?
That would probably be more of a question for them, but it is frustrating if there’s… I don’t know if you would call it vandalism, but there have been issues where people will throw a whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet and then flush it and flood the whole place. Nobody wants to go clean up a flooded bathroom. If it’s just the clean water it’s one thing, but sometimes it’s not just clean water. So that’s probably the worst.
If you could tell the student body to do anything to keep the bathrooms cleaner what would it be?
“I think 99.5% of the student body are all very good people. I think it’s just disappointing that a handful of people cause problems for the rest of everybody else. I would just say you know, respect your building. We’re right now working on construction projects for next year. We’re trying to get everything to look nice again like the bathrooms, the locker rooms. If they look nice, people are gonna respect it and keep it looking nice. I don’t know if you guys are in Theater at all, but like the sink back there, the paint sink. It’s just so gross and dirty that nobody cares about it because it’s just gross and dirty so, it just stays gross and dirty. If everything is shiny and bright and clean and new, people are gonna respect that and want it to stay that way. I don’t want to go into a dirty bathroom.”
“I think what the school did and the way they addressed the bathrooms, it was a pretty tough couple of days for the students. But now we’ve been opening things back up, we haven’t had any issues. I think people know right from wrong, and they just got carried away with social media. It’s a powerful tool.”

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