Home for the Holidays: Celebrating During the Pandemic
Families are finding new ways to celebrate the holiday season during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Photo Courtesy of: Madison Bonnett
As the Coronavirus pandemic seems never-ending, it’s hard to believe that the holidays are approaching so quickly. As cases continue to climb, this festive season is proving to be underwhelming for most.
“Visiting family has gotten a lot more difficult during the pandemic,” said junior Madison Bonnett.
“It has definitely tested our relationships.”
Sadly, this is the reality that most people are facing in 2020.
“It’s been harder to see my grandma due to the risk of Corona, and other family members, as events can’t really be set up right now,” said senior Crystal Lee.
“It just feels different this year.”
Junior Dionte Garcia agreed.
“I haven’t seen most of my family since the pandemic started,” said Garcia.
“Normally we all get together and have a big meal on every holiday.”
Although many families can’t be together physically this year, they’re finding new ways to stay connected.
“Every Eid al-Adha, we would go to Minnesota to visit my aunts on my mom’s side, but due to the pandemic we just Facetime or talk over the phone,” said senior Rahma Ahmed.
“Now that the pandemic is really enforced and getting worse, we call more often just to check up on each other.”
For the families that are lucky enough to be together this year, Holiday traditions are looking a little bit different.
“At holiday events, we will be socially distancing ourselves from the rest of our family,” said Bonnett.
Along with social distancing, many families are restricting the amount of guests they have over.
“We will only have a close circle of friends and family come over and celebrate events with us, and we would social distance ourselves,” said Ahmed.
As families across the United States prepare for the gift-giving season, we all have one thing in common on our wish lists.
“I just wish this pandemic would be over,” said Garcia.

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