Welcome Back Grandview

By The Chronicle Editors

Hi, our names are Jori O’Grady, Elizabeth Leung, Dibo Elango, Will Brent Inzana, and we are editors for the Grandview Chronicle. 

It’s strange writing this after months of watching Tik Toks and Netflix all day, sleeping in, and social distancing. 

It’s strange coming two days a week, distanced from our classmates, and our faces hidden behind a mask. 

It’s strange that our school year was cut short. 

It’s strange for our seniors who’ve looked forward to their senior year and it’s experience: wearing white overalls to football games, their last homecoming, senior sunrise, prom, and graduation, only to have that all restricted and unknown.

We’re all experiencing the same thing. United on something together, right? 

This year will be a year unlike any other. We are living through a global pandemic, a civil rights movement, all on top of an election year. 

And we want to hear from you. 

We are your Grandview Chronicle and we want to highlight all voices, all stories, and all opinions.